Tax Armour Inc.
Tax Professional & Consultant in San Jose, CA
Serving clients across San Jose, San Francisco, Sacramento, Fremont, Milpitas, Newark, Hayward, Union City, Oakland, San Pablo, Richmond, San Mateo, Mountain View, Santa Cruz, Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Salinas, Monterey, Dublin, Livermore, Stockton, Tracy, Modesto, Fairfield, Vallejo, Woodland, Yuba City, and the surrounding areas.
Contact Tax Armour Inc. - Enrolled Agent in San Jose, CA
Why You Should Choose Tax Armour Inc!
If you’re looking for a tax professional and consultant, here are a few reasons why I am the best at what I do.- Experience: Making mistakes on your taxes can cost your business big-time. So when you hire a tax professional, you need to feel confident that they can manage the entire process from beginning to end. With eighteen years of experience, I know how to appeal decisions with the IRS and the State.
- Accessibility: I make sure I sit down with you and put in my best effort to find a solution that suits you best. I am also easy to reach, and I return calls promptly. You can come to me with any doubts or questions you may have.
- Honesty: I offer a free consultation of thirty minutes so you can have an expectation about the process and fees. I charge a flat fee to avoid surprises.
- Dedication: Your tax burdens become mine, and I handle your liability case as if it was my own and put my expertise and knowledge towards helping you gain profit.
Tax Resolution
Tax Resolution
At Tax Armour Inc., we pride ourselves on being a full service- tax company, offering a wide range of tax related services for individuals and businesses.
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Tax Preparation
Tax Preparation
Anyone who has multiple sources of income knows how frustrating it can be to prepare federal tax returns.
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Tax Audits IRS
Tax Audits IRS
An audit appeal usually happens when the taxpayer fails to respond or the Taxpayer is not in agreement with the IRS findings, an appeal may be requested to the Appeals Office.
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Accounting / Bookkeeping
Accounting / Bookkeeping
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18Years Experience
2.5kTax Returns
100%Client Satisfaction
Understanding the intricacies of IRS appeals is crucial for entrepreneurs who aim to resolve tax disputes effectively. With the right insights, business owners can navigate the complexities of the tax system, ensuring compliance while minimizing liabilities. This blog post delves into essential strategies for managing IRS appeals, offering expert advice tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs. Discover how to leverage professional tax resolution services to safeguard your business's financial health and foster long-term success.
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